Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Gretchen Scott Designs
So I am completely in love with this designer. I'm so into tunics and brights for summer. I love Lilly but this is fantastic. Check out Gretchen Scott Designs for summer:)http://www.gretchenscottdesigns.com/
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Facebook Post of the Week
Oh my dear friend Jamie Sams-Chesson, Way to be a voice for my conviction movement without even knowing..... way to go Roomie!!!

Sundy Best - "My Old Kentucky Home" on Senior Day in Rupp Arena
Oh the sun shines bright on my ole' Kentucky home.......Bring It Cards Sweet 16!!!!! Met Sundy Best Friday night here in Bham, not sure our weekend could have gotten much better......
Join the Movements #conviction
We are all convicted each and everyday. Join with me. When you feel convicted. Immediately pray about it and change. Conviction is there for us to learn. A gift from our loving God. Join the movement. Today lets be someone who Cares! # conviction.........
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Creative Geniuses Wanted
So it's time for me to become serious about the blogging industry along side my writing. I've tampered with it for gosh now 6 years, but with much convincing I'm ready to invest. You all are familiar with my writing and know most revolves around the challenges us women and Moms struggle with and mostly inspiring faith filled messages.
I need a catchy name. I've decided to hire Blog Maven for design and coaching, due to rave references. Yet I don't want someone who doesn't know me intimately to create a lasting blog name that I want to define everything I am seeking.
So who better to ask then you. My readers. My friends. Any great ideas for a catchy title would be fantastic. You can comment on my blog or write me and email/Facebook Message....mandyzimmer@yahoo.com
I really need your help and would love your input. Bama Bound Zimmers and Sweet Tea Darling (which just reached 10,000) has told my story through a journey of 6 years. As a new wife, a new Mom, a new Alabamian. With the move home in the works, and a new beginning coming it's time for me to really invest in my passion. To push forward.
Thanks ahead of time, can't wait to read your suggestions.
I need a catchy name. I've decided to hire Blog Maven for design and coaching, due to rave references. Yet I don't want someone who doesn't know me intimately to create a lasting blog name that I want to define everything I am seeking.
So who better to ask then you. My readers. My friends. Any great ideas for a catchy title would be fantastic. You can comment on my blog or write me and email/Facebook Message....mandyzimmer@yahoo.com
I really need your help and would love your input. Bama Bound Zimmers and Sweet Tea Darling (which just reached 10,000) has told my story through a journey of 6 years. As a new wife, a new Mom, a new Alabamian. With the move home in the works, and a new beginning coming it's time for me to really invest in my passion. To push forward.
Thanks ahead of time, can't wait to read your suggestions.
Where my Introverts at?
I ran across this picture on a friends Instagram today that shocked me. She was an Introvert? Reading her social media, seeing all her awesome amazing pictures of her social life, and not to mention what an amazing gorgeous friend she is. Just took me back a bit. This was sent to her and as she said fit her to a tee. I was beyond floored. Makes you think truly this quote is one of the best I've found on judgement that introverts often find laid on themselves.
I thought to myself Hallelujah, someone else that I could relate to. I was having another conversation about this with another friend some time back. We talked about our kids personalities and what that would mean. She opened up about her introversion and how sometimes that makes her feel a tad left out and a tad insecure. Yet she knew herself and I respected that. One on one porch talk fantastic, a large crowd of loud new people exhausted her before she even got her shoes on. Boy could I relate.
To introverts they gain energy from introspection and reflection. A great hour long deep talk with a friend can fuel or creative energy for days. On the other hand walking in a big room of strangers, nearly depletes them before they walk through the door. They call it now "social anxiety". Lets just call it what it is and let people not feel so strange for it. We were designed this way. Trust me the world needs lots of Introverts. Extroverts plan one heck of a party, but on the flip side lets be honest. God loved his dinner table of wine and bread and gathering. He also liked those quiet connections where one helps another. Hence why God made Introverts and Extroverts. I say instead of labeling, lets just feel blessed he did.
Most who know me and my past knows I'm complex. I'm a highly creative spirit. I'm very open and loving. Very much open about my life. I'm beyond creative and the least not shy. I love meeting new people and my close friends are my life line. I love laughing and sharing with them and spending fun nights out with them. Not every night oh Lord no. Yet it wasn't until I was put out of that comfort zone I truly realized how introverted I really was.
Moving somewhere new it was really hard for me to find those relationships. I felt exhausted at 30 years old to rebuild a life socially. So at that moment I did what this once closet Introvert never thought she would do. I embraced it, I got on my knees and said these words. God please send me my "God Friends." That to me was just people who could speak quietly the truth to me, and embrace me for what I then knew would be the hardest 5 years of my life I couldn't run or party through. Boy did he ever answer my friend. Where once there was more than many, he sent me a few. Yet those few have taught me all I ever needed about myself, about my faith and about where I wanted to get to.
So today instead of labeling yourself with social anxiety, shy, outgoing or life of the party. Lets just find out who we truly are. I do think the label Introvert and Extrovert are important in more ways then one. They tell us a lot about our hidden desires, happiness and why we struggle. In order to be the best and to fulfill Gods plan for us I think each chisel comes with self awareness. I'll get you started. Take this quiz and go from there.
My little Extrovert, Presley ( never would know it) seems shy and observant, yet loves to be surrounded. Just like her Daddy. My little Man my Introvert, who is full of fire, is exhausted, whiny and irritable by the time I get him to the car. People who know him say not Cash. I say yes Cash. He wants nothing more to be in company of those he feels close to in small groups, talking, snuggling and there I find the Cash I truly enjoy. Maybe we should all look to our kids who seem irritable and take this into account. Or on the opposite bored who needs to be surrounded. Praise them for who they are and stop making them who they AIN'T....AS THEY PROUDLY SAY IS CORRECT here in the south:)
Lots of loves my lil' Intro and Extros out there you all are beautiful
xoxo MZ
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
I Have the Right......
- I have the right to ask for what I want.
- I have the right to say no to requests or demands I can't meet.
- I have the right to change my mind.
- I have the right to make mistakes and not have to be perfect.
- I have the right to follow my own values and standards.
- I have the right to express all of my feelings, both positive or negative.
- I have the right to say no to anything when I feel I am not ready, it is unsafe, or it violates my values.
- I have the right to determine my own priorities.
- I have the right not to be responsible for others' behavior, actions, feelings or problems.
- I have the right to expect honesty from others.
- I have the right to be angry.
- I have the right to be uniquely myself.
- I have the right to feel scared and say "I'm afraid."
- I have the right to say "I don't know."
- I have the right not to give excuses or reasons for my behavior.
- I have the right to make decisions based on my feelings.
- I have the right to my own needs for personal space and time.
- I have the right to be playful and frivolous.
- I have the right to be healthy.
- I have the right to be in a non-abusive environment.
- I have the right to make friends and be comfortable around people.
- I have the right to change and grow.
- I have the right to have my needs and wants respected by others.
- I have the right to be treated with dignity and respect.
- I have the right to be happy.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Sundy Best...Zydeco
This Friday is all about Sundy Best, our fav KY band and KY basketball. Doesn't get much better then that. Sundy Best is in Birmingham!!!!
Join my World.....
One of my favorite things in the world is to learn about others. How they think, feel...what advice they can share.
In fact one of my favorite quotes
So I thought it would be a fun experiment to learn a little about myself and share with you over the next week.....
In fact one of my favorite quotes
So I thought it would be a fun experiment to learn a little about myself and share with you over the next week.....
1. If you woke up tomorrow with no fear, what would you do first?
Surround myself with pleasure. Honestly who doesn't long for the riches, food, drink and fun this world has to offer. Life is short after all. Yet as a child of God my fear keeps me grounded and eternity focused/disciplined. I'm grateful for my greatest fear which is not pleasing my desires in this short time, but pleasing my God for his faithfulness to me.
2. What was your biggest worry five years ago, do you still feel the same about it at this minute?
Being able to have a baby. I was battling female cancer amongst severe endometriosis and infertility. 7 surgeries later, cancer free and two babies I've learned a lot. Gods plan is perfect in his way, his time and never short of miraculous.
3. What advice would you give the ‘5 year old you’?
Enjoy today. Not plan for tomorrow, just today. Life is so in your favor then. Your mind innocent, body resilient. Cares simple. Soak it up.
4. Can you picture the child you once were, what were they really good at?
Great at anything creative. Loved creating. Whether it be a dance for a talent show, a new cheer for try outs, an outfit to model, a scene for my barbies and pretend students in my make believe classroom. My imagination and creativity define me.
Great at anything creative. Loved creating. Whether it be a dance for a talent show, a new cheer for try outs, an outfit to model, a scene for my barbies and pretend students in my make believe classroom. My imagination and creativity define me.
5. Who did you last gossip about, how do you feel about it now?
I won't say names but I think all women struggle with this. I feel terribly yucky of course. A great line in the kids show Mr. Peabody and Sherman. We tend to talk about those who we long to have something we possess. Humbly I agree with that.
6. What promises have you never carried through for yourself?
I won't seek approval. Church yesterday was all about joy. Approval seeking is such a joy killer. I realize sadly I will never be enough to the world, yet everything to my God. Yet I struggle with needing to feel accepted from those who really can't fill me like my relationship with my Lord.
7. If you could change one law of your country, what would it be?
No prayer in school. When Children are raised without his word, his promise they lose that safe place. Instead of having to pay for private school for my kids to receive this, I want it for all of our kids and teachers in every school.
8. Have you ever expected ‘love in return’? Did you get it?
I've always gotten love in return in the ways that were capable to give. Maybe longed for more or in different ways, never not received.
9. Do you play to work, or work to play?
I work to play. I'm the epitome of a Perfectionist. Always sacrificing fun thinking there is always something more responsible to be doing.
10. When did you last laugh so much, it hurt?
This morning actually. Each morning I listen to Rick and Bubba. For the southerners you know who this is. They have a radio talk show each morning out of Birmingham. Truly some of the funniest men I've ever heard. They always lift my day.
This morning actually. Each morning I listen to Rick and Bubba. For the southerners you know who this is. They have a radio talk show each morning out of Birmingham. Truly some of the funniest men I've ever heard. They always lift my day.
11. What’s the most marvelous thing you have ever seen with your own eyes?
I fondly remembering m husband driving me through the Rocky Mountains in Colorado the first time from the Denver airport to Beavercreek. I broke down in tears and prayed my Mom, who never would fly in her life, could vision this sight in her dreams. Truly breathtaking.
12. When did you last say thank you and sincerely mean it?
A lot this year I learned about the word gratitude. I learned about selflessness, friendship and Gods provision. My babysitters Carlin, Keri and Angelica. To my neighbors Derenda, Kim, and Michele. My friend Nicki who carried me through a solid 2 years of transformation in health physically and mentally. They will forever be my angels.
13. What’s your number one priority?
My faith. It's all I think about truly. This is new to me and so overwhelming at times. Yet without it I can't survive this world.
14. Who do you need to get in touch with because it’s been to long?
So many. Its a standard joke and curse my love now of social media. Its a sick and twisted thing. Living 7 and 9 hours away from my homes, I feel like its my way of feeling connected when life happened. Being off of it for lent I feel I really need to get in touch, but its balance. Being in touch can take many forms for many people. My husband always jokes. You talked to her? Did you pick up the phone and call, meet her for lunch or did you email, text or FB. To him that isn't true connection. To myself with 2 kids under 3. That is the blessing I need in those words on the screen. Fights the loneliness somewhat.
So many. Its a standard joke and curse my love now of social media. Its a sick and twisted thing. Living 7 and 9 hours away from my homes, I feel like its my way of feeling connected when life happened. Being off of it for lent I feel I really need to get in touch, but its balance. Being in touch can take many forms for many people. My husband always jokes. You talked to her? Did you pick up the phone and call, meet her for lunch or did you email, text or FB. To him that isn't true connection. To myself with 2 kids under 3. That is the blessing I need in those words on the screen. Fights the loneliness somewhat.
15. What relationships have ended? But you can’t let go?
My relationship with the what if. I'm a person that was trained and inherited the worry gene. I must ask myself what if subconsciously I catch myself thousands of times a day. When I was saved I thought that would go away. It hasn't. It's a struggle with faith, but each day I dig in the word and work on it. That is all I can do.
My relationship with the what if. I'm a person that was trained and inherited the worry gene. I must ask myself what if subconsciously I catch myself thousands of times a day. When I was saved I thought that would go away. It hasn't. It's a struggle with faith, but each day I dig in the word and work on it. That is all I can do.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
What we give up, we gain!!!
Giving up Facebook is rather enlightening. Free in a sense. It seems we fear not knowing, when not knowing is a breath of fresh air. I actually get text and emails wondering how we are, kinda makes you feel loved even more. Seems sometimes what we dread giving up, seems to be just thing to do to gain everything in return. Maybe peace.
Yesterday I had my one month follow up since being diagnosed as Celiac. Yes one month without what I once called comfort, now I call toxic. Gluten. Boy was today proof of healing, the reward of discipline. My blood tests came back. In the first time in a solid year, no longer vitamin D deficient, no more anemia, no more thyroid antibodies. In one month already 7 pounds down.
I'm still healing but if this isn't testimony not sure what is. Praise God!!! Continued prayers as I continue through the path of wellness. Since being diagnosed, I've been able to lead and help others to answers. I've accepted my portion given, as his glory. As a way to serve. It brings meaning in the middle of a storm, where in the past I felt a wanderer in the middle of a desert.
I found this awesome passage in the midst of my current bible study, Calm my Anxious Heart.
"I know of no greater simplifier in all of life. Whatever happens is assigned. A quiet heart is content with what God gives."
I think with each portion of our cup filled, we learn more and more these things.
1. We aren't in control
2. We are stronger then we think.
3. It's always ok. He is working.
More so we learn to have faith in God, we learn this journey that is laid out is good. So very good. In his time, in his ways. Our desires are always known..... Always appreciated..... Gratitude is always reciprocated.
I hope this finds my friends and family well. Our month of lent so far has been hopeful. I failed miserably with Web MD and Google....but stellar with not logging in to Facebook. Chris is off soft drinks and grouchy but succeeding. Cash and Presley have failed miserably on no night wakings and time outs, lent may not be their thing:) Yet I say we all have made progress. Here is some gems of our days the past few weeks! Much Love Darlin's.....
Yesterday I had my one month follow up since being diagnosed as Celiac. Yes one month without what I once called comfort, now I call toxic. Gluten. Boy was today proof of healing, the reward of discipline. My blood tests came back. In the first time in a solid year, no longer vitamin D deficient, no more anemia, no more thyroid antibodies. In one month already 7 pounds down.
I'm still healing but if this isn't testimony not sure what is. Praise God!!! Continued prayers as I continue through the path of wellness. Since being diagnosed, I've been able to lead and help others to answers. I've accepted my portion given, as his glory. As a way to serve. It brings meaning in the middle of a storm, where in the past I felt a wanderer in the middle of a desert.
I found this awesome passage in the midst of my current bible study, Calm my Anxious Heart.
"I know of no greater simplifier in all of life. Whatever happens is assigned. A quiet heart is content with what God gives."
I think with each portion of our cup filled, we learn more and more these things.
1. We aren't in control
2. We are stronger then we think.
3. It's always ok. He is working.
More so we learn to have faith in God, we learn this journey that is laid out is good. So very good. In his time, in his ways. Our desires are always known..... Always appreciated..... Gratitude is always reciprocated.
I hope this finds my friends and family well. Our month of lent so far has been hopeful. I failed miserably with Web MD and Google....but stellar with not logging in to Facebook. Chris is off soft drinks and grouchy but succeeding. Cash and Presley have failed miserably on no night wakings and time outs, lent may not be their thing:) Yet I say we all have made progress. Here is some gems of our days the past few weeks! Much Love Darlin's.....
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